Sparks Spring

Made for music therapists to track their lessons and record student progress. It began as a Ruby on Rails app for my client Sparks for Success; now freshly rebuilt in Spring Boot (Java) for this portfolio.

Check out the source code on GitHub.

Complete Discography

If you follow an artist who performs in several different bands, this tool is for you. Enter their name to get a list of every album they've released under all of their various bands and aliases.

This app uses Python and Flask to retrieve data from The client and server communicate using Socket.IO, a full-featured websocket library.

Read my Development Log and check out the source code on GitHub.

Real Time Stock Chart

Instant updates on financial data.

Read my Development Log and check out the source code on GitHub.

Climate Eyes

At-a-glance overview of long term climate trends in your area, or anywhere in the world.

Read my Development Log and check out the source code on GitHub.

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